Week 3: Life and Politics in the 1950s
January 29th, 2010
(6) Mon 2/1 Tube of Plenty (Little Paper #2 due)
Reading: Scheiner, “Would You Like to be Queen for a Day?†[pdf]
Background reading: Moss 57-61, 63-75/ GML 871-884
In-class links: Ford Freedom, Queen for a Day, Brylcreem
(7) Wed 2/3 Congress Day 1
You’ll meet in committees and brief one another on what your committee is, what it does, and why it was important in postwar America. Committees will also need to handle any new business I will give in class.
(8) Fri 2/5 The Fair Deal, Labor, Organization Man & Woman
Reading: Evans, “The Cold War and the Feminine Mystique†[pdf]
Background reading: Moss 45-50, 61-63/ GML 854-859, 868-869, 885-890
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