February 8th, 2010
The course schedule is embedded into the sidebar as a Google calendar. Click on any box to see that day’s assignments or due dates. If you use Google calendar yourself, you can add this calendar to your own by clicking on the [+ Google calendar] icon in the lower right corner.
Quick links to graded assignments and due dates:
1/22 LP#1
2/1 LP#2
2/3 Congress Day 1
2/10 Congress Day 2
2/19 Exam #1
3/3 Congress Day 3
3/5 LP#3
3/24 Congress Day 4
3/29 Exam #2
3/31 Congress Day 5
4/5 peer review day for research paper
4/9 Research Paper
4/14 Congress Day 6
4/21 LP#4
5/3 LP#5
5/5 Congress Day 7
5/10 or 5/12 Exam #3, and Congressional paper