
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Week 5: Showdown in Cuba

February 12th, 2010 No comments

Mon 2/15 No Class

(12) Wed 2/17 Kennedy Years and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Reading: HOT 81-93 = Port Huron, YAF, JFK Inaugural, and “The Showdown,” from Time Magazine, 11/2/1962 [PDF]
Background reading: Moss 89-112, 106-112/ GML 909-921
In-class link: JFK’s inaugural, on video

(13) Fri 2/19 Exam #1 (covers 1945-1963)

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Week 4: Young and Restless

February 5th, 2010 No comments

(9) Mon 2/8 Youth Culture and “Juvies”
Reading: 2 document packets in PDF form, “Bringing Up Parents” (Time magazine), and Ruth Alexander, “What Price the Fatted Calf?” AND Hine, “Luckiest Generation,” (HOT 65-74)
Background reading: Moss 68-72, 76-78/ GML 896-899
In-class links: Memories of ’50s childhood, Alan Freed, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Blackboard Jungle, Wild One, Rebel Without a Cause, Teenage Doll, Senate Comic Book Hearings

(10) Wed 2/10 Congress Day 2No class, due to snowstorm!!
Note changes to the syllabus schedule below. We will have our Congress Day 2 on Friday instead, and push the discussion of HOT 81-93 reading onto Wednesday along with the Cuban Missile Crisis.

(11) Fri 2/12 Congress Day 2
Truman and Eisenhower-era policy debates and discussion & I will hand out the Exam #1 study guide in class

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Week 3: Life and Politics in the 1950s

January 29th, 2010 No comments

(6) Mon 2/1 Tube of Plenty (Little Paper #2 due)
Reading: Scheiner, “Would You Like to be Queen for a Day?” [pdf]
Background reading: Moss 57-61, 63-75/ GML 871-884
In-class links: Ford Freedom, Queen for a Day, Brylcreem

(7) Wed 2/3 Congress Day 1
You’ll meet in committees and brief one another on what your committee is, what it does, and why it was important in postwar America. Committees will also need to handle any new business I will give in class.

(8) Fri 2/5 The Fair Deal, Labor, Organization Man & Woman
Reading: Evans, “The Cold War and the Feminine Mystique” [pdf]
Background reading: Moss 45-50, 61-63/ GML 854-859, 868-869, 885-890

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Week 2: The Cold War

January 22nd, 2010 No comments

(3) Mon 1/25 Atomic Age & the Cold War
Reading: HOT 17-22, 31-40 = Kennan, Eisenhower, Good Housekeeping
Background reading: Moss 19-34/ GML 840-851
In-class links: BBC interactive map, Duck&Cover, Atomic Alert, THEM!

(4) Wed 1/27 McCarthyism
Reading: HOT 41-64 = HUAC, McCarthy, Haynes/Klehr
Background reading: Moss 40-44, 50, 79-93/ GML 851-854, 860-870

(5) Fri 1/29 Korea & Vietnam Wars – in class, you’ll get your Congress Committee Assignments
Reading online = read and compare two accounts of the Korean War, “The Korean War: An Overview” by Michael Hickey (BBC) and “Korean War: The Forgotten War,” ( Each one has 4 or 5 sections – navigate by clicking on the left hand sidebar links.
Background reading: Moss 34-40, 86-89/ GML 847-849, 895-896

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