Tona Hangen

Essays and Articles

Primary Source Sets for Digital Public Library of America: Victorian Era / Mormon Migration (2017-2018)

Historical Roundtable: Studying Religion and Media,” with John P. Ferre, Peter G. Horsfield, and Mark Silk. Historiography in Mass Communication 2017. Nov 3 (5): 35-47.

Massive Resistance Revisited: Race and School Closure in Warren County, Virginia, 1958-1962,” Conference Paper for New England Historical Association, April 2016.

Performing Trek: Becoming ‘Pioneer Children’ in the Digital Age,” Mormon History Association, 6/10/2015

Historical Digital Literacy, One Classroom at a Time,” Journal of American History, March 2015 101 (4): 1192-1203.

State of the Digital Union,” for Simmons College Graduate program in History and Archives Management, 2/11/2015

When Radio Ruled: the Social Life of Sound,” Review Essay in American Quarterly (June 2014) 66 (2): 465-476.

Taking the Wrong Side: Massive Resistance and the Moral Universe of History,” Conference paper for American Studies Association, November 2013.

The Future of Books, The Future of Libraries,” for Worcester Art Museum ReDesign: Libraries Event, 5/3/2013 (blog post with linked footnotes)

Troubleshooting the Wayback Machine: When Radio Goes Online,” Conference paper for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, March 2012.

“The Changing Face of America and the Most Important Law You’ve Never Heard Of,” for Worcester Humanities Scholars Collaborative, 4/6/2011 (slides and links)

On the Wrong Side of History? Taking Sides in School Desegregation, 1954-1976,” for Worcester Humanities Scholars Collaborative, 4/7/2010 (slides and links)

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